November is National Entrepreneurship Month and Pango Financial™ is all about enabling entrepreneurs to capitalize their ideal business opportunity. The Small Business Administration (SBA) encourages small business growth and National Entrepreneurship Month is a time to reflect on the value of small business to the American economy. The “SBA’s Office of Investment and Innovation, are focused on programs that provide the small business, high-growth community access to financial capital and intellectual property.” “Small businesses create two out of three net new private sector jobs, and small businesses employ 96% of all Americans.” Entrepreneurship is the key to the success of our great country. The SBA is a wealth of information and resources to American businesses. A couple of the many programs are provided by clicking the link below. The DreamSpark™ plan can be combined with a SBA loan as equity or cash down for a larger business opportunity. Happy National Entrepreneurship Month! Read more…]]>
Category: Business News