How should you structure your business?

man looking down at a sign he is holding that prints "how do I start?"

It’s the same question faced by all entrepreneurs when they first start out: How should the business be structured? And if you’re thinking about forming a business entity, it’s one of the first decisions you’ll face too.At the state and federal levels, businesses are subject to regulations that affect how they are formed, how they…

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Settle basic issues before starting a business

close up on the side of a man thinking with a man walking up stairs in the silhouette of the side profiled man

How much money will you need to go into business for yourself? That depends on a whole decision-tree full of variables about your plans. There’s no magic number, of course, and initial startup costs for some businesses are vastly steeper than for others. All budding businesses have one spending goal in common: to minimize startup…

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The case against funding your own business

finger pressing down on one end of a very mini double scale

Since childhood, we’re taught the value of self-reliance. And in most contexts, it’s still worth striving for. But if you’re considering a new business venture and need capital to fund it, self-reliance—i.e., funding it yourself—may not be your best strategy. Whether you seek to build on an already successful business or start a new one,…

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